Titanium Food (previously B&P) has validated 50+ criteria so far that tenants need to address in order to re-open under an ever-changing environment and be able to pay the rent and make a profit.
If you want to ensure tenants are in the best position to navigate how to implement new service, marketing, and hygiene practices they have never had to do before, book in with a consultant today.
from $350
With less seating capacity due to social distancing restrictions, F&B operators need to drive higher average spends and lower costs of goods from dine-in customers PLUS compensate for reduced dine-in revenue by embracing takeaway. This 1 hour video consult dissects the operator’s menu to identify the most profitable menu items, bundling ideas, and best products to survive home delivery to create a reduced yet more profitable menu within the terms of the permitted use.
from $350
COVID has changed for the foreseeable future how customers will queue, order and pay in fresh food and takeaway businesses. The customer demand for more bulk, pre-prepared and value add lines is also affecting counter layouts, in-store merchandising and signage. Titanium Food has joined forces with leading independent design management firm, 3 Fishes, to compliment the work of centre RDM’s in the design review process for new or refurbished stores to incorporate the latest in COVID products we design.
from $750
After delivering 100’s of Triage and ReBound Packages to F&B tenants since March 2020, the most common failure we found was a lack of any marketing plan for individual stores. Instead the F&B operators rely almost entirely on the landlord/location generating the customer/footfall. COVID has changed this “old way” of getting customers. F&B is now in over supply. Customers are looking to “takeaway/home delivery” and frequenting hyper local.
Titanium Food audits and re-align the tenant’s website and socials to allow more customers to buy more often. Titanium Food will develop a cadence of promotions that build a customer database, repeat and referral business through automation.
from $1,995
Should an F&B tenant be forced to close for a deep clean following a link to a CoVID cluster, Titanium Food will assist the retailer to re-open including;
from $2,750
Landlords can use these services to strategically determine the highest and best use F&B mix for the “new normal”.
Want to know which F&B outlets are not implementing appropriate COVID style protocols and are at risk of deterring customers or creating an outbreak? Have a Titanium Food COVID Safety Expert walk through your asset applying our 17 point checklist to every store in order to provide you an on the spot risk assessment audit and individual tenant Action Plan.
$Market Price
While every tenancy is unique, the swap to electric away from gas kitchen equipment has significant benefits from both a capital and operational perspective.
During an independent poll, the largest concern in adopting electrification was the resistance from retailers. As a result, Titanium Food, The Footprint Company, and The Mack Group have produced a leasing tool for landlords to use in educating retailers on moving to gas. The plain English brochure includes;
*The big picture on how significantly gas in F&B precincts contributes to climate problems
*Capital and operating cost comparisons for both landlord and tenant in electrification
*A detailed life-cycle cost comparison of a gas vs electric F&B tenancy that proves $20 000 a year savings for all-electric kitchens.
*Details of electric versions of the major gas kitchen equipment types: (woks, grill, stovetops etc)
*All the cost reductions resulting from electrification: (heat load, extraction, cleaning costs)
*Testimonials from F&B operators
from $5,000 for a single asset
Our tool shows what the adjusted rent should be dependent on sales BUT also the likelihood of distress on the business based on ATO benchmarks; making it easier for Landlords and Tenants to come to a rental agreement during Covid times.
from $500
There is potentially a 25% oversupply of F&B outlets in Australia post COVID. Consumer preferences have changed during this time and F&B profitability is being challenged. With lower predictions of worker/student densities, reduced tourism and less disposable income, Titanium Food can review your hospitality tenancy mix, customer demographics, expenditure potential and lease expiry profile to recommend which tenants to help/hold or exit for the greatest potential return.
$ Market Price.
It’s hard to philanthropic in an economic downturn. For companies, instead of sponsorship or donations to good causes, why not replace your in-house catering/conference room spending budget by contracting not-for-profit catering companies? Titanium Food can assess your premise and demand profile to determine what type of catering contract model will best serve your employees, executives and clients and make a difference to a minority group.
$ Market Price.
“The Christmas Cracker” is a one hour on line mentor session with our consultants where tenants undertake a 20 point checklist covering the 5 key elements that will make it a jolly Christmas for all. After discussions we will make a personal and prioritised Action Plan on how to get ready for Christmas. “The Christmas Cracker” also includes a 2 week follow-up to check on your tenant’s progress and plan implementation.
from $500